Intellihub Editor’s Note: The following research done by noted Chemtrail expert Peter Kirby is a must read for all those concerned with the ongoing geoengineering of our skies as well as those attempting to awaken friends and family to this dastardly operation.
By Peter A. Kirby | Activist Post
For about 20 years now, the people running the New Manhattan Project have been saturating our atmosphere and forcing us to ingest the witches’ brew coming out of the back of their airplanes. It is not normal jet engine exhaust. Contrary to what the ignorant and deceptive propose, the most common chemtrail sprays have been found to consist of aluminum, barium and strontium in that order. Probably hundreds of times, lab tests from around the world have confirmed this.
If you do not know what the New Manhattan Project is, please see the author’s previous article “Chemtrails Exposed: A History of the New Manhattan Project.”
Rainwater sample test results from Europe and America showing elevated levels of aluminum, barium and strontium have been compiled at Many other test results can be found All over the Internet, from all over the world, countless other verifiable test results have been posted.
As this author has repeatedly shown, whenever we gain a basic understanding of any given aspect of the New Manhattan Project, we can also subsequently find lots of evidence supporting its historical evolution in a coherent chronological order. Our discovery of the chemtrail spray ingredients and the historical development thereof is no exception.
This is not a coincidence, but it is quite interesting when one considers that all Western governments continue to claim that this Project does not exist. In this case, the relevant historical evolution is that of aluminum, barium and strontium used as ingredients in chemical sprays designed for use in weather modification and the atmospheric sciences. Along with brief technical discussions, this paper examines that history.
Different substances / different uses
Aluminum oxide is the main substance and the focus of this article. A litany of evidence for aluminum being used as a nucleant (as they call it) for weather modification is in the next section.
The New Manhattan Project utilizes aluminum oxide particles to modify the weather. When these tiny particles are dispersed and subsequently hit with the appropriate electromagnetic energy, they heat up. Electromagnetic perturbation of atmospheric particles for the purpose of weather modification distinguishes the New Manhattan Project. When large lower-atmospheric volumes of particles are heated, a high pressure zone is created. If one can create a high pressure zone, one can push low pressure systems around. In combination with ionospheric heaters’ documented ability to redirect the jet stream and many other techniques, this is how they modify the weather.
Barium is used not for modifying the weather, but rather as a tracer for gathering atmospheric data. Barium performs in this capacity because barium can be radioactive. It shows up on radar well. The literature pertaining to weather modification and the atmospheric sciences is full of references to radioactive materials such as barium being used as atmospheric tracers.
Let us refer to a 1962 report by the National Academy of Sciences titled “The Atmospheric Sciences 1961-1971.” This report states, “Radioactive substances of suitable half lifes [sic] injected into the air are very useful as tags and may be used to study air motions on a variety of scales. Tracers used in sufficient amounts for this purpose could add immeasurably to our knowledge of the currents of the atmosphere and the dispersion within air masses.”
A little later in “The Atmospheric Sciences 1961-1971,” the authors expand further upon the usefulness of radioactive isotopes. Under the heading “Research on Trace Substances,” the report’s authors write, “Where radioactive compounds are involved, containing tritium or carbon 14, radioactive decay times lead to a calculation of the time elapsed since the formation of the water or carbon dioxide in the sample. Thus, it is possible to date the rain water and the water in wells, rivers, and oceans, and to use this information to study the exchange processes between the upper and lower atmosphere, between the atmosphere and the oceans, and between the atmosphere and the Earth. Research in this area should be vigorously pursued.”
This passage suggests that barium is being used today as a way to trace the entire hydrological cycle.
In the 1972 Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences report a more technical discussion of this type of program is found. On page 18 it reads:
Atomic Energy Commission research in precipitation scavenging by convective storms requires knowledge of both the storm and cloud dynamics and the microphysics of the precipitation processes. Atomic Energy Commission laboratories and contractors have developed considerable expertise in the use of selective chemical tracers which can be introduced into the storm or cloud as a function of time, altitude or position. Subsequent analysis of the tracers in the resulting precipitation provides details of dynamical features of the storm, hydrometer growth rates and mechanisms and the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation.
Two types of tracers have been used, specific chemical elements rare in abundance in the atmosphere, and the cosmogenic radionuclides produced naturally in the atmosphere by cosmic ray actions with argon. The chemical tracers are introduced into the storm as aerosols via aircraft and/or surface generators. Analysis of the resulting precipitation for the tracer elements provides insight into the time scales and trajectories of the air motions within convective storms and into the hydrometeor growth rates and deposition patterns.
Cosmogenic radionuclides (particularly Na-24, Cl-38 and Cl-39 with 15 hr, 37 min, and 55 min half-lives respectively) can also be measured in precipitation. These are produced in the atmosphere at known production rates, attached to the natural aerosol and coexisting, presumably, with freezing nuclei, condensation nuclei and inactive aerosols. Because of their differing half lives, the cosmogenic nuclide ratios can be used to determine cloud development times and hydrometeor growth rates and mechanisms. The use of inert chemical tracers and the cosmogenic radionuclides together affords the opportunity to relate the dynamics of the cloud or storm system to precipitation effects such as heavy rainfall, or damaging hail through severe storm research programs such as NHRE, STORMFURY, and Metromex. Tracer techniques also offer unique potential in the evaluation of the various weather modification projects currently being conducted by the various Federal Agencies.
Currently, the AC support of the Illinois State Water Survey in Metromex is directed at the use of chemical tracers to determine the dynamics and efficiency or urban modified severe storms to ingest and precipitate atmospheric aerosols. The tracers are released either by aircraft into the storm updraft or from the surface.
Although it is largely unclear at this time why strontium is showing up in the samples, strontium may be used as a photosensitive catalyst. It could be used to free associated aluminum from the oxide form when exposed to UV and visible light. Free aluminum is much more conductive than aluminum oxide and therefore allows for better propagation of the New Manhattan Project’s electromagnetic waves.
Added strontium may also be showing up West of the Rockies as fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster. There is a very good chance that storm updrafts over the Pacific Ocean are picking up strontium from Fukushima, which continues to discharge radioactive seawater as well as airborne pollutants.
Aluminum and weather modification
Since at least 1954, researchers have been busy developing the aluminum concoctions ultimately used in today’s New Manhattan Project. This section recounts the chronological development of aluminum nucleants utilized in weather modification and the atmospheric sciences.
In 1958, Norihiko Fukuta (1931-2010) of Nagoya University in Japan published a paper titled “Experimental Investigations on the Ice-Forming Ability of Various Chemical Substances” which appeared in the Journal of Meteorology. This paper referenced an earlier paper (1954) by Asada, T., H. Saito, T. Sawai, and S. Matsumoto. Fukuta asserts that this earlier foursome discovered the usefulness of aluminum oxide as a nucleant. Fukuta’s paper reads, “Asada [8] tested the activities of various substances of cubic and hexagonal shape considered similar to ice structure and consequently discovered the effectiveness of aluminum oxide.” The author has been unable to find this 1954 document. 1954 is the earliest reference to aluminum oxide used as a nucleant known to the author.

Norihiko Fukuta at the cloud chamber. Image source unknown
Fukuta’s 1958 paper also details his research utilizing Al2O3 (aluminum oxide) as an experimental nucleant.
The 1962 U.S. patent #3,274,035 “Metallic Composition for Production of Hygroscopic Smoke” by Lohr A. Burkardt and William G. Finnegan describes how aluminum, barium and strontium may be used as ingredients in, “…a composition which produces hygroscopic smoke for use in influencing the weather.”
The 1964 U.S. patent #3,140,207 “Pyrotechnic Composition” by Mary M. Williams and Lohr A. Burkardt describes how aluminum can be used in compositions which have, “…use in cloud seeding.”
Also in 1964, the Navy wrote, “The development of devices to produce hygroscopic nuclei is also continuing. Pyrotechnic mixtures and devices are being developed and tested which produce chlorides of lithium, magnesium, aluminum, and sodium. Trials have been made using hygroscopic liquids for the dispersal of warm fogs.”
1964 was a busy year. This was also when the National Science Foundation (NSF) presented the work of a Dr. A.C. Zettlemoyer (1915-1991). Albert Zettlemoyer was an important figure in this development. Zettlemoyer discovered that small particles with both hydrophilic (water attracting) and hydrophobic (water resisting) sites were able to hold more water than uniformly hydrophilic particles. The NSF’s sixth annual weather modification report explains:
For a number of years, Albert C. Zettlemoyer has been conducting a study of the surface properties of nucleating materials and the physical and chemical characteristics which make them efficient nucleators. He has hypothesized that a good ice-nucleating agent, such as silver iodide, is primarily a hydrophobic material, and contains a percentage of hydrophilic areas dispersed about its surface. These hydrophilic areas form the nucleus around which water molecules may cluster and form centers upon which ice forms.
According to the investigator, optimized nucleating efficiency occurs when 20 to 30 percent of the nucleating surface is covered with hydrophilic sites and the remainder of the material is hydrophobic. Based upon this hypothesis, the investigator has been successful in synthesizing several active nucleating materials possessing the proper hydrophilic to hydrophobic balance. Silicas, clays, alumina, bauxite, and magnesite have become good nucleating materials when suitably treated. In addition, polymer-coated and surface-esterified silicas have been prepared which have shown excellent nucleating properties in the cold chamber.
Prior to the above disclosure in the NSF’s sixth annual report, Dr. Zettlemoyer was featured in an article which appeared in the American Chemical Society’s Chemical and Engineering News. Dated December 9, 1963, the article reads:
A new series of artificial nucleating agents for possible use as cloud seeders in cloud modification work can now be produced. Now that the surface chemistry of the most effective nucleating agent (silver iodide) has been recognized, it’s possible to seek out other materials which nucleate or promote crystallization in gaseous and liquid media such as water clouds, according to Dr. A. C. Zettlemoyer of the surface chemistry laboratory of Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa.
New and cheap cloud seeders (or nucleating agents), inorganic materials are used as substrates. Silicas, usually of colloidal size, are very desirable inorganic substrates, the Lehigh chemist finds. Other substrates can be used, but it is difficult to find cheaper ones than silicas, he says. These include carbon black, magnesite, limestone, dolomite, clay, bauxite, alumina, magnesia, and lime.

A.C. Zettlemoyer et al, 1963 – Chemical and Engineering News of the American Chemical Society
It looks like the above photo has been altered. Zettlemoyer’s head is too big for his body and it is significantly bigger than those of the others standing next to him. Also, it appears that Zettlemoyer’s head is lit from the right while everything else is lit from the left.
Mr. Zettlemoyer was president of the American Chemical Society in 1981.
The Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued a 1970 report titled “Proceedings of the Twelfth Interagency Conference on Weather Modification.” Contained therein is a report titled “National Science Foundation Program in Weather Modification for FY 1970″ by P. H. Wyckoff, the program director of the National Science Foundation’s Atmospheric Sciences Section. Mr. Wyckoff writes, “A number of aluminas ranging from particle sizes of 1 to 0.05 microns have been plated with silver which has been converted to silver iodide by exposure to iodine vapor.”
A little later he continues, “Professor L. Grant and Professor M. Corrin have jointly assumed responsibility as co-principal investigators for the nuclei simulation facility at CSU.” Colorado State University (CSU) is where these experiments were conducted.
The 1971 U.S. patent #3,630,950 “Combustible Compositions for Generating Aerosols, Particularly Suitable for Cloud Modification and Weather Control and Aerosolization Process” by Henry M. Papee, Alberto C. Montefinale, Gianna L. Petriconi, and Tadeusz W. Zawidzki suggests using powdered aluminum in combination with an oxidizer whereby, “…a finely dispersed aerosol smoke consisting of moderately hygroscopic condensation nuclei, and a non-hygroscopic gas are simultaneously evolved, said gas acting to disperse said nuclei.”
Of the handful of substances Papee et al tested, aluminum was found to be, “…the most suitable metal since, besides being relatively cheap, it may be considered inert at room temperature (this characteristic is an important factor for safety in the preparation and transportation of the described compositions), it yields remarkable heat of combustion which favours a good continuity of reaction and a good aerosol dispersion. Moreover it is available on the market in the suitable purity and particle size.”
A little later they write, “…we have found that aluminum sulfide, which forms during combustion of compositions containing powdered aluminum and sulfur, is a very good ice-nucleating substance.”
During experiments detailed in a 1977 paper by J.H. Shen, K. Klier and A.C. Zettlemoyer, aluminum was used in combination with something called a phlogopite. These phlogopites are described as a new breakthrough. “Ice Nucleation by Micas” states, “A fluorine mica, fluorophlogopite, has been found to produce higher bulk water freezing temperature than many other nucleating agents including the parent hydroxyphlogopite and even silver iodide. It is the most efficient catalyst yet found in this Laboratory.”
The 1978 U.S. patent #4,096,005 “Pyrotechnic Cloud Seeding Composition” by Thomas W. Slusher and Nuclei Engineering, Inc. of Louisville, Colorado describes how aluminum can be used in compositions designed for weather modification.
In 1991 United States patent #5,003,186 “Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming” was assigned to the Hughes Aircraft Corporation. The patent describes a method for dispersing particulates into the upper atmosphere in order to save us from global warming. The author David B. Chang suggests that aluminum oxide be used for this purpose.
“One proposed solution to the problem of global warming,” it reads, “involves the seeding of the atmosphere with metallic particles. One technique proposed to seed the metallic particles was to add the tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude.”
The first mention of aluminum occurs in this passage, “The method comprises the step of seeding the greenhouse gas layer with a quantity of tiny particles of materials characterized by wavelength-dependent emissivity or reflectivity, in that said materials have high emissivities in the visible and far infrared wavelength region. Such materials can include the class of materials known as Welsbach materials. The oxides of metal, e.g., aluminum oxide, are also suitable for the purpose.”
The second mention of aluminum occurs a little later. It reads, “Another class of materials having the desired property includes the oxides of metals. For example, aluminum oxide (Al2O3) is one metal oxide suitable for the purpose and which is relatively inexpensive.”
The Hughes Aircraft Corporation was acquired by and is now integrated into Raytheon.
In the mid-nineties, Lawrence Livermore Laboratories scientists Edward Teller, Lowell Wood and Roderick Hyde wrote a series of papers calling for the spraying of megatons of aluminum to save us from global warming. The mid-nineties was when reports of chemtrail spraying in American skies began pouring in.
In their 1997 paper “Global Warming and Ice Ages,” the Livermore Labs trio wrote, “It has been suggested that alumina injected into the stratosphere by the exhaust of solid-rocket motors might scatter non-negligible amounts of sunlight. We expect that introduction of scattering-optimized alumina particles into the stratosphere may well be overall competitive with use of sulfur oxides; alumina particles offer a distinctly different environmental impact profile.”
They continue to espouse the virtues of stratospheric alumina in the footnotes writing, “Alumina, like sulfate, is ubiquitous in the terrestrial biosphere, and its stratospheric injection seemingly poses no significant environment issues.”
In his 2010 paper “Photophoretic Levitation of Engineered Aerosols for Geoengineering,” top geoengineer David Keith suggests particles consisting of both aluminum and barium be used for the purpose of weather modification.
Dr. Keith’s proposed aluminum and barium particle sandwiches suggest that one chemtrail spray material may simultaneously serve the dual purposes of weather modification (aluminum) and atmospheric tracing (barium). Keith notes that these particles can be engineered to employ a layer of aluminum oxide to protect internal free aluminum from oxidation. Also in 2010, in the feature documentary What in the World Are They Spraying?, David Keith says,
…on the environmental consequences of alumina in the stratosphere. There’s a bunch of papers going back to the seventies that look at the radiative and ozone destroying properties of alumina in the stratosphere and those make you think it might be useful. Do this in just a jet in a very simple way. Make high quality alumina particles just by spraying alumina vapor out which oxidizes. So it’s certainly in principle possible to do that.
David Keith is a professor at Harvard University who is heavily invested in geoengineering. According to his Harvard bio, “David divides his time between Cambridge where he is Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Professor of Public Policy in the Harvard Kennedy School; and Calgary, where he helps lead Carbon Engineering a company developing technology to capture of CO2 from ambient air.”
Dr. Keith has received geoengineering grants from the Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research. According to the Stanford website, “Grants for research are provided to Harvard University from gifts made by Mr. Bill Gates from his personal funds.”

David Keith – Harvard University
The April, 2012 edition of the Journal of Weather Modification featured a paper titled “A non-silver Iodide Cloud Seeding Nucleus – Al2O3.” In this paper, the authors William G. Finnegan and Lee Ates propose a new aluminum oxide weather modification spray to replace the industry standard silver iodide.
William G. Finnegan – the Journal of Weather Modification / the Desert Research Institute
If the reader will recall, William Finnegan (1923-2011) was also one of the co-authors of the aforementioned 1962 U.S. patent “Metallic Composition for Production of Hygroscopic Smoke.” According to a Journal of Weather Modificationobituary, Bill Finnegan worked at the China Lake Naval Ordinance Test Station where his work garnered him several patents.
The focus of his career was that of applied research on the generation and characterization of artificial ice nucleants. After his work at China Lake, Mr. Finnegan became a professor at Colorado State University (CSU). After CSU and until his retirement, Dr. Finnegan worked at Nevada’s Desert Research Institute.
Particle size
This investigation has found that the aluminum particles dispersed as part of today’s New Manhattan Project may or may not be in the nano-sized range. Many have feared that these particles are nano-sized because when nano-sized aluminum particles are inhaled, they are so small that they go directly into the blood stream and right into the brain causing a host of neurological disorders.
In recent years, there have been massive spikes in the number of cases of diseases that have been found to be caused by aluminum toxicity. This has provided support for the notion that these particles are nano-sized. As we will see, the literature pertaining to weather modification and the atmospheric sciences shows nano-sized aluminum particles only as a possibility, not a certainty. Particle size here means the particle’s diameter.
By 1947 scientists had figured out that the best nucleating weather modification sprays consist of nano-sized particles. In an award-winning 1998 documentary film titledLangmuir’s World pioneering weather modifier Bernard Vonnegut (1914-1997) said he found that the best silver iodide particle size for nucleation is about, “a hundredth of a micron.” 1 micron equals 1000 nanometers, so .01 microns converts to 10 nanometers.
This is probably what we see today in the conventional, regulated weather modification industry where airplanes spray silver iodide under regulatory supervision. Bernie Vonnegut should know. He was the guy who discovered silver iodide’s usefulness as a nucleant, thus spawning the commercial cloud seeding industry. He was also a scientist who contributed greatly to the foundation of the New Manhattan Project.
Different materials used as nucleants have different optimum sizes. The optimum size has historically been the most water absorbing size. The most water absorbing size is known as the most ‘hygroscopic’ size. The most hygroscopic particles of many different materials have been found to be nano-sized.
Although the particles used today as part of the New Manhattan Project may not be tailored to be the most hygroscopic size, this is what chemists producing nucleants for weather modification have historically sought. Today’s New Manhattan Project may not be shooting for optimum nucleation. Rather, today’s New Manhattan Project may be shooting for particles that are more receptive to this Project’s electromagnetic energy. The nucleation capabilities of said particles may be a secondary or nonexistent objective. But, in order to determine the particle size of today’s New Manhattan Project main chemtrail substance, it is important that we look at some historical examples of aluminum particles used in weather modification and the atmospheric sciences.
By 1963 the aforementioned Dr. A. C. Zettlemoyer concluded that, “…particle size of the substrates should range from 0.01 to 10 microns, and preferably between 0.3 and 1 micron…” That translates to 10 to 10,000 nanometers and preferably 300 to 1000 nanometers. His nucleation substrates included aluminum.
NOAA’s previously mentioned 1970 report “Proceedings of the Twelfth Interagency Conference on Weather Modification” noted that they had found effectively sized aluminum and silver particles in the .05 to 1 micron size range. A range of .05 to 1 micron translates to a range of 50 to 1000 nanometers.
In his aforementioned 2010 paper “Photophoretic Levitation of Engineered Aerosols for Geoengineering,” top geoengineer David Keith proposes use of particles consisting of aluminum and barium sized at about 20 microns (20,000 nanometers).
David Keith’s proposed geoengineering particle – National Academy of Sciences
We see from this investigation that aluminum particles ranging in size anywhere from 10 to 20,000 nanometers have been formulated or proposed. As discussed earlier, although this size range from 10 to 20,000 nanometers is documented as preferable for hygroscopicity, hygroscopicity may not be what today’s geoengineers are shooting for. They may be largely or entirely shooting for electromagnetic manipulation and in that case, the particles would be sized to be most receptive to the applied microwaves. This is why the results of this investigation into particle size are largely inconclusive. At this time, we are unsure of the exact electromagnetic energy frequencies being used.
This fact, coupled with a lack of any known particle measurements, means that we cannot be sure of the particle sizes.
It is also important to note that the particle sizes listed here are the initial dispersion sizes. Due to the fact that these dispersed particles may, as they float down to Earth, attach themselves to other ambient atmospheric particles and/or each other, the particle sizes of these dispersed substances, upon reaching the ground, may be significantly larger.
Conversely, relatively large particles may be dispersed which are designed to break up upon exposure to sunlight. The relatively large particles proposed by David Keith (20 microns), may be designed to break into nano-sized fragments.
Resonance frequency / the Welsbach effect
In order for the chemtrail sprays of the New Manhattan Project to be effective, the dispersed particles need to interact with the applied electromagnetic energy appropriately. As previously mentioned, when the aluminum particles of the New Manhattan Project are hit with the right electromagnetic energy frequency, they heat up. The most effective heating frequency is known as a particle’s ‘resonant frequency.’ Different materials have different resonance frequencies.
When large masses of atmospheric alumina particles are heated by specifically applied electromagnetic energy, they behave as something akin to a plasma. More specifically, heated aluminum particles make the aluminum particles around them heat up (or resonate) as well. This is known as the “Welsbach effect.” It is demonstrated in the mantle of a gas lantern. Applied energy makes the entire mantle light up not because the mantle is soaked with fuel, but because the particles comprising the mantle are resonating together.
The New Manhattan Project turns our atmosphere into a gigantic mantle with the chemtrail sprays comprising the mantle material and electromagnetic energy being the applied energy. The 1988 U.S. patent #4,755,673 “Selective Thermal Radiators” by Slava A. Pollack and David B. Chang describes how small particles may be energized in this fashion.
David B. Chang is one of the inventors listed on the aforementioned “Selective Thermal Radiators” patent and Mr. Chang is also the sole inventor noted on the infamous “Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for the Reduction of Global Warming” patent. Hughes Aircraft is listed as the assignee on both.
The former President and CEO of Hughes Aircraft was a man by the name of Lawrence ‘Pat’ Hyland (1897-1989). He wrote a 1993 autobiography titled Call Me Pat. On this book’s cover, Mr. Hyland is pictured lighting a gas lantern and thus producing the aforementioned Welsbach effect.
The lantern he lights has an inscription. It reads, “THE OFFICIAL BICENTENNIAL PAUL REVERE…” America’s bicentennial was in 1976. Paul Revere was, of course, the early American patriot who famously warned the citizenry about the advancing British army. As one can see, there is more to this inscription but your author has not been able to decipher it. In the book it is not explained. Your author has provided the reader with an enhanced image of the inscription.

Call Me Pat book cover – the Donning Company Publishers

Call Me Pat book cover lantern inscription close-up – the Donning Company Publishers
Smart dust
Although aluminum, along with barium and strontium are shown here to be the usual New Manhattan Project chemtrail sprays, evidence exists describing the possible utilization of other, more curious materials.
The seminal 1996 Air Force document “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather 2025″ mentions using smart materials for the purpose of weather modification. On page 17 it reads,
With regard to seeding techniques, improvements in the materials and delivery methods are not only plausible but likely. Smart materials based on nanotechnology are currently being developed with gigaops computer capability at their core. They could adjust their size to optimal dimensions for a given fog seeding situation and even make adjustments throughout the process. They might also enhance their dispersal qualities by adjusting their buoyancy, by communicating with each other, and by steering themselves within the fog.
They will be able to provide immediate and continuous effectiveness feedback by integrating with a larger sensor network and can also change their temperature and polarity to improve their seeding effects. As mentioned above, UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] could be used to deliver and distribute these smart materials.
We know they are spraying aluminum and barium. These substances are consistently showing up in rainwater samples taken from chemtrail-laden skies all over the world. This work shows that there is a grand history of these substances being developed as material to be sprayed from aircraft for the purpose of weather modification. We see the jets high in the sky spraying us almost every day. It is apparent; with these substances we are being sprayed.
This is where we can gain direct evidence. If we can get chemical signatures of the metals showing up in rainwater samples that match any found or confiscated chemtrail sprays, then we may be able to establish direct evidentiary links between spray, sprayers and producers. These links may be the most important to future litigation. May this work help to establish a conviction. Our best works are like dirty rags.
In the meantime, can somebody do something to put an end to this nightmare so that we don’t have to breathe this stuff in any more? Can we stop mass murdering Humanity now? Can we stop savaging our entire ecosystem? The evidence for these claims of mass murder and environmental devastation will be discussed in a forthcoming article.
Due to so many people’s outstanding efforts, there is enough information available now that we shouldn’t have to continue suffering. There is enough information available now for a Congressional or Government Accountability Office investigation. The time for denial is over. Stop the spraying now.
Peter Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, writer and activist. Check out his ebook Chemtrails Exposed: A new Manhattan Project. Follow him on Twitter @PeterAKirby.
Intellihub Note: This article is being posted within the “Alex’s Side” section of the website due to it’s importance and the need to get as many eyes on it as possible.
Chemtrails Confirmed a book by William Thomas, published by Bridger House publishers, 2004
U.S. patent #4,686,605 “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere,” by Bernard J. Eastlund, 1987
The Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences reports 1960-1978, published by the Federal Council for Science and Technology
“The Atmospheric Sciences 1961-1971″ a report by the National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, published by the National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council, 1962
“Experimental Investigations on the Ice-Forming Ability of Various Chemical Substances” a paper by Norihiko Fukuta, published in the Journal of Meteorology, February 1958
U.S. patent #3,274,035 “Metallic Composition for Production of Hygroscopic Smoke” by Lohr A. Burkardt and William G. Finnegan, 1966
U.S. patent #3,140,207 “Pyrotechnic Composition” by Mary M. Williams and Lohr A. Burkardt, 1964
“Weather Modification: sixth annual report” by the National Science Foundation, 1965
“Weather Modification: Second annual report for fiscal year ended June 30, 1960″ by the National Science Foundation, 1960
“AgI Points to New Nucleating Agents” published in Chemical and Engineering News of the American Chemical Society, December 9, 1963
“Proceedings of the Twelfth Interagency Conference on Weather Modification” a report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1970
U.S. patent #3,630,950 “Combustible Compositions for Generating Aerosols, Particularly Suitable for Cloud Modification and Weather Control and Aerosolization Process” by Henry M. Papee, Alberto C. Montefinale, Gianna L. Petriconi, and Tadeusz W. Zawidzki, 1971
“Ice Nucleation by Micas” a paper by J.H. Shen, K. Klier and A.C. Zettlemoyer, published by the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, June 1977
U.S. patent #4,096,005 “Pyrotechnic Cloud Seeding Composition” by Thomas W. Slusher and Nuclei Engineering, Inc. of Louisville, Colorado, 1978
-U.S. patent #5,003,186 “Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming” by David B. Chang, 1991
“Global Warming and Ice Ages” a paper by Edward Teller, Lowell Wood and Roderick Hyde, published by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1997
“Photophoretic Levitation of Engineered Aerosols for Geoengineering” a paper by David Keith, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, September 21, 2010
What in the World Are They Spraying? a documentary video by Michael Murphy, Paul Wittenberger and G. Edward Griffin, Truth Media Productions, 2010
“A non-silver Iodide Cloud Seeding Nucleus – Al2O3″ a paper by William G. Finnegan and Lee Ates, published by the Journal of Weather Modification, April 2012
“Langmuir’s World” a film by Roger R. Summerhayes, 1998
“Early History of Cloud Seeding” a report by Barrington S. Havens, published by the Langmuir Laboratory, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, the Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, State University of New York at Albany, and the Research and Development Center, General Electric Company, 1978
Langmuir, the Man and the Scientist a biography by Albert Rosenfeld, published as part of “The Collected Works of Irving Langmuir” by Pergamon Press, Volume 12
“Final Report of the Advisory Committee on Weather Control” by The Advisory Committee on Weather Control, 1958
“History of Project Cirrus” a report by Barrington S. Havens, published by the General Electric research laboratory, 1952
U.S. patent #4,755,673 “Selective Thermal Radiators” by Slava A. Pollack and David B. Chang, 1988
Call Me Pat: The Autobiography of the Man Howard Hughes Chose to Lead Hughes Aircraft a book by L.A. ‘Pat’ Hyland, published by The Donning Company Publishers, 1993
“Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025″ by Col. Tamzy J. House, Lt. Col. James B. Near, Jr., LTC William B. Shields (USA), Maj. Ronald J. Celentano, Maj. David M. Husband, Maj. Ann E. Mercer and Maj. James E. Pugh, published by the United States Air Force, 1996